Saturday, January 27, 2007

I'm up to my neck with homework at the moment. Haven't touched anything for the whole of today. Not that I know how to do some of it, anyway.

I'm rather addicted to shooting now, because everytime I shoot, I find myself wanting and knowing I can do better. Like last Wednesday's shoot, I only realised my stance was wrong halfway through my second card, which resulted in my shots not really being as clustered. It was only on the 3rd card that I started getting my feel back, after I'd corrected my technique. Every shot in the black area with pretty okay grouping, but still not as good as my selection shoot, I think. Ultimately, it's the medals and trophies I'm looking for, and I both want and need the practice. I'm hoping to see the day where the thing you see on my target sheet is a ragged hole in the centre rather soon.

I can't play my electric organ for nuts anymore. Sure, the papers say I'm a Grade 5 student, which means if I ever pass I'm qualified to teach (it's a different system from piano qualifications), but that doesn't change the fact that I haven't and still continue to not practice. On the other hand, I've started practicing a little on the guitar again, partly because Liselle, my classmate brought hers to school and we all take turns to hog the thing during breaks and after school.

Singapore's still playing Malaysia in the AFC now. It's extra time, going on to penalties. Singapore for the win! ^_^