Thursday, March 15, 2007

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This is not an opportunity for me to brag or show off or anything like that. Honestly, it's just a personal reminder that I've still got some ways to go if I really want to be the best. People keep saying that I'm really good and all, and if I lose out to the J2s it's cause they are much more experienced than me, but I need to keep things in my own perspective because it's my own target (no pun intended) that I've set for myself; I'm not doing this to please others. Sometimes I've to admit that it gets to me and I start thinking that I'm that good after all, but it's worth the effort to bring myself back down to earth. Next goal would be to fight for that place in CJC's national team. It's not going to be easy.

Training in the morning, then went to Liselle's house in the evening together with Matthias. Today was pretty fun. The type of fun that you get when you hang out with friends - I've mentioned before, you don't have to do anything particularly fun, but it's even better if the activities are too. And yes the hang-out-at-Liselle's-house activities were pretty fun too I guess, consisting of drinking and other card games and her Nintendo Wii as well. Had a pot-luck dinner there, which was pretty good. It was supposed to be a stayover, but I didn't and came home.

Going for training again tomorrow morning. Gosh the March holidays seem to be zooming right past.