Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mizuno wave run is tomorrow!

The swelling on my sprained ankle isn't so bad now - it's gone from the size of a small grapefruit to a slight bloat on the left side of my ankle. Oh if you don't know what happened, I was playing soccer and then I fell. Scraped the skin off my right knee pretty good too. The sprain hurt so bad yesterday morning that I limped like hell, taking far longer to climb stairs and all la. The cuts on my knee were far worse yesterday too. I didn't bother covering up the wound and just wore m uniform trousers after dabbing the wound clean, and after a while i could see brown patches on my trousers where the blood had seeped through. HAHA OKAY I SHALL STOP GIVING GROSS DETAILS.

Anyway. Went to the Home Team Academy this morning for the officers' .38 revolver shooting competition. Results wise it was okay, nothing fantastic cause I wasted like 5 bullets shooting too low cause didn't know how to align the sights, so ended up aiming wrongly. How superb. Corrected my aim after that la, but the damage was done. Still it was pretty fun. Okay I'm ranting here.

I'm still shit shagged la, and I've no time to recover that lost sleep. Looks like lectures will have to do. Hahaha.